Can I have a Fairfax DUI charge reduced to a lesser offense like Reckless Driving?
Simply put: Yes, it is possible, if the circumstances are right.
The DUI attorneys at The Gordon Law Firm have helped hundreds of people accused of DUI in Fairfax County courts. What a person needs to know is that a variety of factors come into play in every accusation of DUI in Fairfax.

The key is to have an experienced and skilled DUI defense lawyer like Alex Gordon or Carlos Wall who can take advantage of problems in the Fairfax County prosecutor’s DUI case to either gain leverage in order to achieve a positive result by obtaining a favorable plea agreement or having the charge changed to Reckless Driving . If the Fairfax prosecutor will not agree to a reduction of the Fairfax DUI charge to Reckless Driving, you need to take the case to trial and try to get a “Not Guilty” verdict from a judge.
The Gordon Law Firm has a record of success in achieving positive results for our clients charged with DUI in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia.

There is a great deal of benefit to some people in avoiding a DUI conviction and accepting a Reckless Driving conviction instead. There are major differences between the two charges.

The DUI lawyers at The Gordon Law Firm offer a free consultation so we can learn the facts and circumstances of your case. Please feel welcome to contact us at 703.218.8416 or at